Hello all,
We just started a Yahoo group called Northeast Oklahoma Hay & Feed Coop. It is a list for information of hay and feed available in the Northeastern Oklahoma area. Please feel free to join even if you are in one of the states surrounding Northeast Oklahoma, as we hope to have good quality hay available for cheaper than the norm.
Also, if you are in the area and know of a good place to get hay and/ or feed, feel free to join and share the information, please, thank you!
Every couple of months, or more often if need-be, we can order a big load of really nice Alfalfa/Grass square bales from a guy in Missouri. We have got hay from him before and it is great stuff. We don't have to feed alfalfa pellets or straight alfalfa hay anymore either and our milkers are doing great on it. It is also very cheap - delivered at prices between $5 and $6.50 or so a bale. These are great prices for alfalfa or alfalfa/grass hay that does not have blister beetles in it. SO, if you are interested please join this group and let me know. Our first load is all accounted for and should be here this week. We can work on getting a second load in real quick if folks are interested.
In just the first few days of this group, people have requested that we make this list more resourceful. So, we hope to include lists of good vets, breeding services, horse training and shoeing, sheep shearing, disbudding, photography of animals, web-designing and whatever else will help each other out. Got ideas? Jump on board.
To join the group, you can go to this link -